Monday, September 03, 2007

Movie Report: Rush Hour 3

You've seen this movie before. Chris Tucker is loud and obnoxious, Jackie Chan makes jokes about his English, some booty gets kicked and the good guys win the day.

That doesn't mean it's bad. Movie's like this are like McDonalds -- it's not the best, but you always know what you're gonna get.

For the third installment of this series, they've upped the humor and made the action tamer -- to the point where Chan didn't have much to do. Maybe it's his age and years of injuries catching up to him, or maybe it's nervous Hollywood execs, but he's not challenged at all. In fact, in the big finale (and they're in Paris, so it *had* to be at the Eiffel Tower) I could clearly see stuntmen subbing for Jackie in some parts *and* some CGI work. Sad.

And if the ambassador's daughter is supposed to be a Kung Fu instructor now, why didn't she do *any* Kung Fu?

But this movie did deliver on some turn-your-brain-off action and some good laughs. There's a missing you montage that cracked me up. It was a fun, forgettable summer movie. And I liked it.

There's something to be said for that.

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