Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Movie Report: Shoot 'Em Up

I wanted to see 3:10 to Yuma, but we would have had to hang around the theater for two hours or so before the next screening. Shoot 'Em Up was starting in five minutes.

This movie is straight-up, balls-to-the-wall, deliriously over-the-top mayhem. It's an action flick hopped up on crack with a Red Bull chaser. It's a Garth Ennis comic.

And, if you can turn your brain off, it's danged fun.

I don't ever think I've seen an infant's umbilical cord severed by a gunshot before. Or carrots used as weapons of mass destruction. I know this was the first time I watched a lactating hooker rip a Prince Albert off of a Marilyn Manson lookalike.

Clive Owen is Mr. Smith (that's not his real name) is waiting for a bus when he gets drawn into the mayhem. Carnage ... lots of carnage ... ensues. The plot totally doesn't matter, and that's good, because there isn't much of one.

Shootouts, car chases, showdowns, standoffs, mid-air acrobatics, a tank, a baby and a battle in a firearms factory, all with a cast of seemingly thousands.

It's craziness.

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