Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Movie Report: Find Me Guilty

The idea of Vin Diesel in a Sidney Lumet film was odd enough. Vin Diesel playing an overweight, aging gangster in a Sidney Lumet courtroom drama?

The oddity factor alone was enough to get me to watch it on cable.

And whatya know? The big lunk can really act! He totally disappeared into his character, and he was fabulous. I think I'd like to see him get some more opportunities.

A lot of the courtroom dialogue was taken from the transcripts of the trial that inspired the film, and it's funny, sad and very real. Jackie questioning his cousin is a high point.

I don't want to give away a lot of the story, but this is one that's worth seeing. Bonus: Annabella Scoirra has a cameo, and she *smokes* -- she and Diesel barely touch one another, but you'll need a cigarette afterward.

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