Friday, September 14, 2007

Manga Review: Gunsmith Cats Burst, Volume 1

One reason Dark Horse may have been so kind as to re-release all the old Gunsmith Cats stories is that they secured the rights to author Kenichi Sonoda's follow-up, Gunsmith Cats Burst.

More girls, more guns and more action. Misty's got a bit of a crush on Rally, but Rally's got bigger worries.

Three short chapters in the beginning give a sketchy intro to Rally, Minnie May, Becky and Misty and the work they do. I'm guessing this was for readers who might not have been familiar with the bounty-hunting Cats.

Then we get into the meat of the volume, with a story about Rally and Bean Bandit being stranded in the desert with a bounty. The Mafia wants the guy Rally's caught, and to force her to deal, they kidnap Rally's beloved Shelby Cobra and threaten to use it in a terrorist attack.

Bean wants his money, the bounty wants to go free, the Mafia wants the bounty, and Rally's got to scramble if she wants to stay alive and get her car back.

Fast-paced and fun. But it's better if you know these characters and the world, so if you're not familiar with Gunsmith Cats, read the omnibus editions first.

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