Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Movie Report: Superbad

((OK, I didn't get a post in yesterday, so I owe you two today. I gotta clear this backlog somehow.))

Superbad is super awesome!!!!

Yes, I know, it's strange. I'm thirty-something, and I still groove on goofy teenage comedies. So sue me. Nerds trying to get laid is funny.

The plot isn't breaking any new ground -- three nerds are on the verge of graduating and have one last shot at that crazy high-school adventure they all dream about. Toss in some separation anxiety (two got into the Ivy League, one's headed to generic State U) for flavor. Add dick jokes, a fake ID and the random boob shot. Marinate until funny.

But this movie just *works.* It helped that I saw it with a lively, packed house that was laughing so hard you couldn't hear some of the lines. People were there to have a good time, so we did. We are McLovin.

The writing is snappy and realistic and tends more to the funny than the gross, which is a nice change. (Although the dance bit ... EWWWWWW!) This one could end up as an Animal House style classic.

Rude and crude but never fake. I highly recommend this one.

Dude! You just cock blocked McLovin!

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