Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Movie Report: The Matador

Pierce Brosnan leaves James Bond far behind him in this 2005 black comedy, where he plays a washed-up hitman with a molester moustache, a pot belly and too-tight Euro-pimp threads.

Having a "nobody loves me" meltdown in Mexico City, Brosnan's Julian befriends a sad-sack guy from Colorado with a dead kid, a failing business and a tree in his kitchen. Greg Kinnear plays the businessman, Danny, and while I'm often not fond of his comedy work, he makes a great straight man for Brosnan's wild performance.

So they guy bond, play at killing, and go their separate ways. Months later, Julian realizes that his psychological problems are interfering with his work to the point that he's next on the hit list, so he shows up on the doorstep of his only friend ... Danny.

This is a fun, quirky odd-couple comedy, and I think the thing I liked the best was that it wasn't like 20 other odd-couple comedies that have been released in the past few years. The Matador had some originality, and that's all too rare.

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