Thursday, September 20, 2007

Movie Report: Psycho

When I realized that my beloved sweetie had never seen the original Psycho all the way through, we had to sit down and fix that situation. Immediately.

Psycho (1960) helped create the thriller genre. Before it horror movies were almost all monster mashes. Psycho used suspense, fear and psychological shocks.

The practically perfect score is part of pop culture now, as is the signature scenes of the movie. Everyone knows them. But unless you've experienced the original for yourself, you don't understand it.

The script is marvelous, and even uses its own shortcomings (early on in the film, the characters don't seem to have much motivation to do what they do) to help fuel the twists. The directing is superb, the acting top-notch, and the humor dark.

If you haven't seen this movie, you must. Stop reading, get in your vehicle of choice, and proceed directly to the closes place that sells or rents DVDs. Do not even wait for Netflix.

Simply flawless.

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