Thursday, August 30, 2007

Movie Report: License to Wed

What can I say? It was the second feature at the drive-in!

Two blandly pretty people (Mandy Moore and John Krasinski) fall in love in a blandly pretty way and decide to get married. Her dream is to get hitched in the family church with good, old Reverend Frank, and so of course he agrees.

Um, yeah ... Reverend Frank (Robin Williams) is a psycho.

The plot of the movie is that Frank puts the couple through an over-the-top, comedic "marriage course." Along the way, Frank and his creepy kid sidekick commit several felonies and make these poor people *miserable.*

And I was sad too, because I had to watch it.

It's all played for laughs, and it's not that funny -- even Robin Williams can't help that much. If he would have played this character straight, he would have been eeevvviiiilll. That would have been a much, much better movie.

Skip this Meet the Parents wannabe, even if its on cable and you're bored. Watch grass grow -- you'll have a better time.

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