Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Made It! Fuzzy Feet

I wanted practice at making a sock-shaped object, but I wasn't ready for those itty-bitty needles and itty-bitty sock yarn.

I like to felt. I have feet. Ah-ha! I should make a pair of Fuzzy Feet!

A skein of apple green Cascade 220 and some size 9 double-pointed needles and I was in business.

I didn't have much trouble turning the heels, which is what everyone said was the hard part. Then I had to pick up stitches for the gussets, and well ...

OK. That was hard.

It didn't help that people who supposedly like me kept making fun of my poor sock-shaped objects, which were quickly named "the socks that monkeys made."


But I kept going. I am a knitting monkey! And when I was done knitting, I had a crazy pair of oversized ankle socks, shown here with my hecka cute cell phone for perspective.

But the miracle of felting is that you pop your crazy oversized object in the washer with some old jeans and towels, wash it a bunch of times and suddenly you have the cutest little pair of apple green slippers.

Aren't they adorable! I'm looking forward to it being cold enough to wear them.

But I'm still debating on whether to sew leather bottoms on them or use puffy paint or something to make them a little more slip-proof. Any ideas?

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