Thursday, April 24, 2008

TV Report: Babylon 5: Season 1

As I've established before, Babylon 5 is full of both awesome and win.

So after I got the chance to hear JMS speak about writing a few months ago, I started watching the first season again.

The first thing the first season does right is introduce my beloved Ivanova as a replacement for the first officer in the pilot. OK, so there's a new doctor and telepath too, but Ivanova is God. She even tells you that -- I've seen the T-shirts.

We also get to see the first signs of JMS's obsession with Arthurian mythology, and then, at the end of the season, the dreaded and nasty Mr. Morden, and the onset of what the show is *really* about. The fact that this shows makes the question "What do you want?" to be this chilling and disturbing shows how well its done.

This is a show that really blooms on DVD. There are so many intertwining threads that it sometimes made me crazy to wait for the syndication schedule. On DVD, I can watch hours one right after the other, and the master work of the storytelling is allowed to unfold as it should.

And this is one of the weaker seasons, if only because it spends so much time setting up what would happen in seasons 2-4. Its still one of the best things that's appeared on TV.

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