Friday, April 04, 2008

TV Report: Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998)

I have a crazy, deep, ever-abiding love of Babylon 5 that even surpasses my crazy, deep, ever-abiding love of Firefly.

And every so often I must indulge it. Babylon 5 DVDs ... how I love you so.

In the Beginning wasn't the first movie, but rather a prequel filmed several years into the series. It tells the story of the Earth-Minbari War, a major event that hung over the heads of the characters and influenced much of the storyline, but that was never fully explained until this was released.

And while it feels a little odd as it trots out the show's stars for cameo after cameo (even when they really don't belong, like Ivanova) it is good to see what came before, and what *really* happened the first time a Earth ship contracted the Minbari.

The script and the acting, are superb, of course. This is Babylon 5 after all.

Heroism, triumph, tragedy, humor and big booms -- this is essential for any B5 fan, and shouldn't you *all* be B5 fans?

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