Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Anime Report: Appleseed: Ex Machina (2008)

J and I were lucky enough to see this on the big screen in San Francisco, which is really the way to go if you can.

If not, at least try to see it in Blu-Ray, because the visuals are nothing short of stunning. And unless you happen to be a big Appleseed fan, the visuals (and the participation of John Woo, who's influence is heavily felt in the action scenes) is really the reason you're watching.

The plot is more complex than the previous movies, and at the same time simpler. Deunan and Briareos are still partners, and still in love. But when Briareos is injured during a mission (a kick-ass action sequence set in an abandoned church) Deunan is assigned a new partner -- Tereus, a warrior bioroid who just happens to be a clone of Briareos.

Cue the drama. Briareos wonders if Deunan would prefer a flesh and blood lover, rather than someone who's mostly machine. Deunan wants her man back, and resents the presence of Tereus. And Tereus is conflicted about his feelings for Deunan -- are they real, or a result of the cloning?

In the middle of all this romance stuff is a plot about brainwashed cyborgs threatening planetary peace, a global monitoring system and a goo that takes over people's minds. But really, it's not terribly important -- it's just a reason to have all of the fights and things going boom.

And pigeons. John Woo was involved -- there must be pigeons. I lol'ed.

The CG animation is a work of art -- I'd love to see games that look this good, even though the animation had a very next-gen game feel to it.

There's everything from mid-air shootouts to sinuous silver tentacles. Even the settings are striking, with their Greco-futuristic marble, columns and sci-fi gadgets. And there's a breathtaking level of detail -- reflections, light, raindrops on Briareos' metal face and tiny facial changes. I so want my character in Champions Online to have Deunan's hair.

Worth checking out if you're an animation fan or have a new Blu-Ray player you want to put through its paces. Or if you're an Appleseed fan. But don't feel you have to have seen the previous movies -- just go with the flow, and you should be able to figure out what's going on, if you want to.

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