Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Movie Report: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Pirates kick ass.

Johnny Depp as a pirate? That kicks major ass. It's like pirates juggling chainsaws and shooting lightning while kicking ass.

This may be one of the ultimate summer movies -- a trilogy for the 2000s the way that Star Wars defined the late 1970s. I loves me some pirates.

I'm not going to bother blogging about the plot, or the fun, or the amazing action scenes, or the wonderful soundtrack, because you know all of that. This movie's been out for five years -- you've seen it. You probably own the DVD, because it sold like five jillion copies.

And if you haven't seen it, just get off my blog. Now.

Just simply amazing.

Now, bring me that horizon ...

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