Monday, April 21, 2008

Movie Report: The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

First cool thing about this movie was that I saw something I hadn't seen in a loooong time: A sellout.

Friday night at a big San Jose multiplex showing this on three screens -- and no tickets available! J and I had to wait until the 10 p.m. shows, and it was actually cool to see a big crowd excited about something that wasn't Hannah Montana in 3D.

But J had been jonesing for this movie for weeks, so we weren't leaving until we saw some kung-fu action. Because the first movie teamup between Jackie Chan and Jet Li is an occasion, yo!

Problem No. 1, and it's a big one -- What's up with that annoying white kid? That is *not* who I came to see, and I'm disappointed that the filmmakers thought they needed an American to anchor the story. Particularly a stupid American who can't act terribly well.

OK, OK -- I can ignore the Karate Kid bit (Sweep the Leg!) if I get a good story. And I did.

It was obvious that Jet Li had a helluva good time playing the Monkey King, as did Chan with the crotchety old guy bit. And in their other parts, we got one *amazing* fight scene between the two of them -- one that I've been waiting years to see.

Jackie even busted out some drunken boxing moves, and he hasn't used those in ages!

So is it obvious that these two legends may be nearing retirement? Yes. Did I notice some use of wires and stuntmen where they hadn't been necessary before? Yes. Did I still have a good time? Hells yea!

Fabulous fights, fabulous costumes, a big, sweeping story and a tour through Chinese myth.

And Jet Li and Jackie Chan. What more do you want?

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