Monday, April 14, 2008

Movie Report: Superman: Doomsday

The makers of the stellar Justice League animated series seem bound and determined in this movie to say "this ain't the Justice League."

No League. New voices. New style. New look. New violence. And Superman's gone for half the movie!

For the most part, it's OK. The new look for Supes was distracting -- what was up with those crazy cheekbones? Did they want him to look so ... old?

I'm ambivalent on the new voice cast, although I will admit that James Marsters rocks as Lex Luthor -- it's different from Clancy Brown's version, but still col. Anne Heche just doesn't do Lois as well as Dana Delany did, and as for Supes ... could I really complain about Adam Baldwin? He was in Firefly!

And while the movie will never match up to the depth of the landmark comic storyline, it does one thing very, very well: The fights between Superman and Doomsday may just be the very best Superman fights ever put on film.

These are brutal, nasty, city-smashing throwdowns. Metropolis just gets wrecked, and it's amazing to see what happens when Supes cuts loose against a foe of equal power level.

And that's not all the violence, not by a long shot. It's not a slasher flick, but enough happens to make you think "damn, that's a lot of bodies."

Brutal stuff that's not for the kiddies, but it's one of the best Superman films ever, and ten times the flick that that emo-fest Superman Returns was.

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