Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Movie Report: Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

OK, so I never saw this in the theater. Not that I'm not a Trekkie or anything, but dude! It was 2002, and they released this right before LotR! Priorities!

So I finally got around to watching it. And while I will say that it's obvious that both the screenwriter and director were not Trek fans (and whoever hired them should be slapped) and that the errors are *legion*, it still actually has the bones of a halfway decent tale.

Romulans make everything better.

So what works? Romulans. The TNG cast is always good, and it's obvious that they all have an affection for their parts. There are some fun action scenes. Some of the deeper questions make you think, although ultimately they aren't answered.

What didn't work? Loads of techno-babble. Boring dialogue. Boring sets. Production values so bad that I wouldn't have been surprised to see the Gorn captain from "Arena" wandering though a shot. Shinzon's bloody British accent. Dragging out that tired old cliche of bad androids. Seriously -- when is the crew of the Enterprise going to stop bring home stray evil robots?

Not the best, not the worst of the Trek films. I'm hoping that the upcoming movie gives a jolt to the whole franchise.

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