Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Movie Report: "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

Quite possibly the best B-movie ever made.

My sweetie got me DVDs for Christmas, including the complete "Indiana Jones" box set, which I had been coveting for a long time. So of course we had to pop the first one in the player.

This movie owes his heart and soul to the old serials of the '30s and '40s, with rugged heroes, beautiful girls, dastardly villains and plenty of fantastic stunts and cliffhangers. I adore pulp adventures -- speaking of which, are you reading the Athena Voltaire comics? You should be.

This is a flick I can watch over and over and *always* enjoy it. Flawless cast, flashy special effects, beautiful sets, strong pacing and lots of quotable lines. The music score by John Williams is a part of American culture now -- is there anyone who doesn't know that tune?

"Star Wars" may have made Harrison Ford a star, but fighting Nazis as Indiana Jones made him immortal. I can't wait until the fourth movie is released.

Anyone know where I can pick up the DVDs of the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" cheap?

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