Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Movie Report: "XXX"

Get your minds out of the gutter!

It was interesting to re-watch this 2002 flick after watching "Casino Royale," because "XXX" is such classic American action -- guns, girls, bikes and fast cars set to a backdrop of big booms.

And it deliberately skewers the James Bond style in one of the film's best scenes, declaring "this ain't your daddy's movie" to a Rammstein beat. Then it blows some more shit up.

Movies like this are comfort food for me -- turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. I picked it up on DVD after realizing I'd watched it a half a dozen times on cable "eh, it's 2 a.m. and nothing's on. I'll watch XXX again."

That Corvette base jump is cool as heck, ya'll!

I like Vin Diesel. He's got an awesome voice and a lot of potential as an actor, and seems not to want to do the same stupid shit over and over -- as shown by the fact that he wasn't in the sequels to this and "Fast and the Furious."

And, of course, there's Samuel L. Jackson. Give the movie two more points.

My biggest problem with this movie is it falls into the Hong Kong movie trap of "that stunt was sooo cool, we'll show it again from six different angles!" Yeah, the motorcycle jump through the barbed wire with the big explosion rocked. It wasn't as cool the fourth time.

You could do worse than "XXX" when it's 2 a.m. and nothing's on.

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