Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Movie Report: "The Chronicles of Riddick"

This 2004 movie has got a lot of haters, but I like it.

I don't know what people were expecting, but what they got is a very underrated, very solid sci-fi/action flick with an epic, "Conan" vibe. OK, so Thandie Newton's performance, and her costumes were over the top. Get over the frosted eyeshadow -- it can't hurt you.

Good action, good fight scenes and good performances. Riddick is Vin Diesel's signature role, and he's perfect for it. And dang -- Judi Dench? You can't dis a movie with Judi Dench in it!

I like the Necromongers too -- good nasty villains, with a side of religious zealotry. I like the face motifs in their armor, and the crazy gothic look of their technology. Vakko needed a brain transfusion, though -- maybe his wife picked him *because* he was strong and stupid.

But maybe I like any movie where someone gets killed with a teacup.

If you are a "Riddick" hater, there's a good chance you've never even seen it. Or if you have, you brought all your "Vin Diesel is teh suxx0r!" preconceptions with you.

Clear your mind, grab some popcorn, and put this in the DVD player. Just enjoy the ride.

I bet you'll like it.

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