Monday, January 22, 2007

Comic Report: Runaways: True Believers

I'm gonna have to go on some sort of blogging marathon to get caught up. So let's see how many reviews I can get done this week. Ready? Go!

The Pride is gone -- now there's a power vacuum in Los Angeles, and all sorts of supervillians are looking for some loot in La La Land. (Hiya, Wrecking Crew!) The only people who can stop them? The Runaways.

But they've got some problems of their own. Niko has taken over as team leader, and she's not completely comfortable in the role. They're still wanted by the authorities. I don't think their new lair under the La Brea Tar Pits gets HBO. Oh, and a time-travelling Avenger shows up, says she's Gert from the future, and that they have to find a kid named Victor Mancha and stop him from growing up to destroy the planet.

This was a great storyline. Every time I think I had things figured out, a new twist got thrown in the mix. The baddie ... great to see him again. And I like Victor a lot.

A new group of former D-list teen heroes turned support group is also on their tail -- looking to "save" the kids from their life. This group is funny and sad in a 12-step way. I like the idea that not everyone is cut out for the life -- I dislike it when people try to enforce their morality on others. Go whine about your problems, Excelsior -- don't make trouble for anyone else.

This series just keeps getting better.

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