Sunday, January 07, 2007

Movie Report: Deja Vu

Time travel is nothing but trouble, from a plotting standpoint. There's always going to be something that makes the viewer go "bullshit."

Hence I was hesitant to drop seven bucks on a matinee. But "Deja Vu" had Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer and was directed by Tony Scott. I really like "Man on Fire," which is another little-known Denzel Washington/Tony Scott movie. So eh -- there were worst things I could do with two and a half hours of my time.

Washington is playing another of his "I've got no life but my work" characters, this time an ATF agent investigating a devistating terror attack on a New Orleans ferry. Of course, he's got to become a little too obsessed with a pretty victim, and become personally involved in the case.

He comes to the attention of a super-secret government group that has found a way to peek backwards in time. They can catch the terrorist that way -- if you know where to look.

I was impressed that they managed to give a dumbed-down yet plausible explanation for the time travel, and it was even one that made the inevetitable inconsistencies make sense.

Pretty good action, engaging performances, big booms -- it's a good ride, but not a classic.

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