Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Movie Review: "Casablanca"

I hesitate to even mention this movie, because what can I say that hasn't already been said?

"Casablanca" is practically perfect. The consummate Hollywood film. The uber movie. Books have been written about how wonderful it is.

And they're right. I've seen this movie more than twenty times, and it gets me every time. It's That Good.

And if you haven't seen it, you are a hopeless cultural illiterate. Begone from my sight. Do not return until you have gone to the video store and returned with a copy of sheer greatness.

If I have to critique anything, I'll do the DVD extras. The film commentary by the historian is boring, the one by Roger Ebert less so. The 1980s biography of Humphrey Bogart is pretty good, and I'm always happy to see Lauren Bacall. And there's Bugs Bunny.

"Here's looking at you, kid."

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