Sunday, September 17, 2006

Movie Report: "The Producers"

OK, by now you've gotten the point that I watch *a lot* of movies.

Can't help it, not gonna change. I like movies, I work weird hours, and while everyone is having some semblance of a social life, I'm a soldier in the fight against split infinitives. So the party scene is pretty much not happening for me.

Now, I'm a fan of Mel Brooks. His early stuff -- "Young Frankenstein," "Blazing Saddles" -- pure genius. But I was beginning to think he'd lost his touch. "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" was OK, not great, but "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" was pure drek.

So when my roommate brought home "The Producers," I wasn't that enthused. But I started watching anyway.

And proceeded to laugh my ass off.

This flick is great -- the songs are catchy, every performance is spot-on and the comedy is just brilliant. Even Will Farrell, whom I totally despise, was funny in this movie. Who knew he could act?

My friend J-Man is all sorts of obsessed with "Snakes on a Plane." I say that snakes on a plane may be a comedy gold mine, but you ain't seen nothin' until you've seen a granny chorus line tap dancing with their walkers.

Go rent this one -- today.


Paj said...

I've never seen the Producers, but I did follow Curb Your Enthusiasm with Larry and David Schwimmer cast as the leads of the Producers which Mel Brooks hoped would sink the show. Good Stuff!

Anonymous said...

I do want to see this movie, but the dvds make it look so terrible that I haven't watched it yet.

Maybe I should go do that, or maybe I would free some california hill snakes from my local zoo and escape with them using my crop dusting plane.

Dr. Richard Scott Nokes said...


How dare you, HOW DARE YOU, recommend the re-make of "The Producers," instead of the brilliant original with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder! I curse you! CURSE YOU AND THOSE MEDDLING TEENAGERS!

Fyre said...

Forgive me Scott, for I have sinned.

New recommendation: Rent this *and* the original. Then write a three-page paper comparing and contrasing the two.