Saturday, September 02, 2006

You knit what? Color Me Dead

In honor of the late, great blog You Knit What, Blogs on Fyre is pleased to present the Technicolor Gallows Bag!

Seriously -- what did those little dolls do to deserve being hung by their little yarn necks until dead? Was it some sort of mass suicide? And what statement was the designer going for -- "The souls of the dead will protect your knitting"?

I didn't see one of the fall's big fashion trends being voodoo, but I could be wrong. I haven't picked up Vogue in a while.

Don't fret! This bag could be salvaged -- just make the dolls in multiracial colors and call it a tribute to this season's "Survivor."

BTW -- if you have an urge to knit something multicolored and macabre, you can find the pattern here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


nice little stab at survivor in there. I approve ;)