Friday, September 01, 2006

The softer side

I was going to stay away from this whole blogging thing.

Because really, aren't 99 percent of them full of drek that *no one* wants to read? And what reason did I have to add to the word pollution of the world?

Then my good buddy Paj started his blog, Tortilla Chips and Milk. It's funny as hell -- I highly recommend it.

I started reading every day -- my first tentative toe into the blog pool. Then Paj asked me to write a few entries.

The first one's always free, right?

A rant about the uber lameness of K-Fed later, I was hooked.

I am ... sigh ... a blogger.

My pop culture writings will stay on TC&M, for the most part. C'mon -- the people need to know the truth about the race war ... aka what's happening on "Survivor."

But this will be a softer, gentler blog, more for the things I enjoy. A ballad of a blog. And what's that, you might ask?

I like all sorts of books, music and movies, I roleplay, I play too much City of Heroes, keep an eye on politics, cross-stitch, I try to knit, and I sew like a paraplegic monkey.

Any of that may find its way here ... especially the monkeys.


Anonymous said...

Could you crossstich me a jacket with a giant J on it?

Fyre said...

I could ... but what are ya gonna give me?