Sunday, January 27, 2008

Birthday Wish List: 2008

A year has gone by, and I was looking at my wish list from last year. And it occurs to me that I actually did pretty well -- I got the majority of what I wanted.

So 2007 had its ups and downs, but overall it didn't suck.

In the interest of having another year that doesn't suck, I present the 2008 version of my birthday list. Items are in no particular order, so start shopping.


1. Some stability. It's tough to get a grip on something that keeps changing. If I can't have stability, I'd really like the same thing to be true two days in a row.

2. Lucky breaks. It would be really nice if things would go my way a few times.

3. Health and happiness for everyone I care about.

4. Unclipped wings. If this little falcon doesn't get to fly soon, she's gonna start pecking out some eyes.

5. A bed. A nice cushy bed that I can sink into and not wake up with a cramp in my hip 'cause the mattress is starting to deflate. We got rid of the majority of our furniture in the move, and I miss it. (Not my crappy old furniture, but the idea of furniture.)

6. While we're at it, how about an apartment full of kick-ass furniture? We can start with bookshelves (pie do I need a load of those) and then move on to pieces that satisfy my retro-cool desires.

7. More time at the beach. Nothing I've seen out here affects me as deeply as standing at the edge of the world.

8. A real vacation. It's been a few years since I had one, and it's time. I'd like it to involve majestic sights, stories to last a lifetime and at least one umbrella drink.

9. Jeans that fit. Preferably jeans that fit that are one or more sizes smaller than the jeans I'm wearing now.

10. To successfully knit socks and a sweater that both fit and are nice enough that I'm willing to wear them out of the house.

11. To sell something I've written that is non-work related and that I get actual money for creating.

12. Multiple pairs of hella cute hand-painted shoes. Anyone who's still looking for a present for me could start with these in a size 8.5.

13. More Pocky and milk-flavored Hello Panda. And the return of my beloved Sierra Mist Lemon Squeeze -- damn that stuff is tasty.

It's not too much to ask, is it?

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