Friday, January 25, 2008

Movie Report: Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron (2007)

So we picked up the second Hellboy animated movie soon after seeing Storm of Swords. I likes me some Borders coupons.

This time we get the professor leading an investigation of a haunted house that has connections to one of his first, pre-Hellboy adventures. It seems to be at first your straight-forward vampire hunt, but then it gets really nifty.

You get a battle scene that doesn't tell you much about the characters or the plot. OK. Then as you coast through the story in a standard chronilogical fashion, the plot and the true nature of the event are revealed in a series of flashbacks that start at a pivotal event, and then preceed *anti-chronilogically.* So you get the intentions and motives both in the present and in the past. It's very clever, and since Blood and Iron has both a beginning and a end at the beginning and the end, it ties the story together nicely.

That being said, what in pie was Hecate doing in this movie? Was she just there to give Hellboy something to beat up while the professor carried the bulk of the story? The villain of this piece should have been the vampire, not a goddess tossed in for no good reason.

But I'll let it go in light of the ambitious storytelling. Here's to hoping that the next movie is even better.

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