Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Movie Report: AVPR: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem (2007)

OK, that title is officially ridiculous. It might be longer than the damn movie. I feel dumb just typing it.

And let me be very clear. This movie is not art. It's not even close to art. It's at least seven miles away from art, which is about 40 minutes in Bay Area traffic.

But I didn't want art. I just wanted to see some Predators whooping some Alien ass.

So the Predator ship from the last AvP flick crash lands into a high school slasher flick. Chaos and facehugging abounds.

The movie is a laundry list of cliches, gimmicks and lame plot devices. It could have been written by a bunch of fans on some forum, and it probably was. Do NOT look for any logic, rhyme or reason in this movie. There is none.

What is there? Outrageous, over-the-top, glorious violence. Carnage that would make a fanboy wet himself. You get introduced to a wide variety of typical small town types. Don't get attached to any of them. They're gonna die.

And there's one bad-ass Predator. If Chuck Norris had dreads, he could be this Predator. I liked him.

They kill pregnant women and kids with glee. Nothing is safe. And the complete lack of a plot gave J and I plenty of opportunities to crack jokes as the movie was running.

Hilariously, clownishly violent. Don't go unless you want to see Looney Toons with buckets o'blood.

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