Friday, January 11, 2008

Movie Report: Jude (1996)

OK, so I'll pretty much watch any movie with Kate Winslet in it.

Which is how I ended up spending part of a Saturday night with this flick on cable.

Based on Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy, the movie follows the life of a learned but simple stonemason who gets hit with tragedy after tragedy. There's lots of crying, lots of struggling, and although the heart of the film is a romance, there are no hearts and flowers. This is a dark, messy affair, and very little happiness results from it.

What makes the film are two wonderful performances by Christopher Eccelston (yes, the one-time Doctor Who) and Winslet. As Sue, Winslet lights up the screen, and it's easy to see why Jude is so determined to pursue her despite everything that's stacked against them.

Beautifully depressing, this movie is a reminder of why sometimes it is a good thing to let go.

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