Saturday, November 25, 2006

You Knit What? Desperate Housefrau

Normally, I have much love for Knitty. Love it, watch it, knit stuff from it. (Bobbilicious, for example) But once in a while they pass Edgy and are on a road straight to Weird.

When Knitty hits, it's straight up faboo. When they miss, though -- boy howdy, look out. I was going to label this as my YKW, because crossed ribbons over your ass -- not the best idea. But if you've got the badonkadonk for the job, I guess this one could work. So it passes.

But I gotta ask, what's with the obsession of knitting questionable things for your head? First the Leia wig, now this. What's wrong with a nice hat?

Like I need any help looking frumpy when I leave the house. I can do that all on my own, thank you. If I wanna look *really* bad, I'll wear my mint green Mickey jammies, and my sweetie will pretend he doesn't know me. But I'm not gonna wear this. You can't make me.

If you want to knit this, here's the pattern. Knock yourself out -- just don't blame me if you get weird looks in the cereal aisle.

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