Monday, December 04, 2006

Movie Report: "Ultimate Avengers 2"

Another animated Avengers flick, this 2006 offering has the gang helping Black Panther fight aliens invading Wakanda.

I like these movies because they don't tone it down for the kiddies. There's blood, there's death, there are real problems. Wasp and Giant Man's marriage *isn't* working out. Bruce Banner has to deal with the mess the Hulk made in the first movie. Thor may or may not help -- he's got god issues.

There are variations from some of the comic history you may know -- the elders council of Wakanda deserved a smack in the teeth. The action is top notch, though, even if it borrowed a bit much from "War of the Worlds." I like the movie's takes on Cap and Iron Man -- Tony, in particular, is much more likeable than the low-rent Hitler he's been in comics lately. It was especially nice to see the War Machine armor he dons after his Iron Man suit is damaged. But did he have to hit on someone at a wake?

One big issue: If you're gonna have Nick Fury look like Samuel L. Jackson, and act like Samuel L. Jackson, get Samuel L. Jackson to do the voice! It would have cost more than whatever no-name was in the part, but if they had asked nicely, I'm sure he would have given the producers a hand.

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