Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Comic Report: The Death of Captain Marvel

A find at the local Half Price Books (what a marvelous store) this 1982 publication is the very first graphic novel ever made by Marvel -- history with pictures.

And what a way to start a new medium. A powerful, emotional story has the Kree captain turned cosmic hero facing a foe he can't defeat.

This was my introduction to Mar-Vell, but the strong writing hooked me almost instantly. Comics are a genre where death is taken far too lightly -- almost *everyone* has kicked it at least once, and generally, it's not that big of a deal. That's one of the genre's major failings, in my opinion. (And in the name of pie, leave Jean Grey in her grave!!!)

But this time, it was treated with the respect and seriousness it deserves. From Mar-Vell's anguish at leaving the woman he loves, to Rick Jones demanding answers from the world's heroes about why they haven't turned their collective genius to really saving people, this story was deep and deftly done. And when one of Mar-Vell's greatest foes arrives to give him a chance to die like a warrior ... pass the Kleenex.

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