Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Movie Report: Wheels on Meals (1984)

Another Jackie Chan feature, courtesy of Dish Network HD.

OK, this one is just weird. I don't know why it's set in Spain. I don't know why the first scene had Jackie and friends skateboarding while wearing atrocious 1980s pastels, and then the *next* scene had them waking up and starting their day.

Is the skateboarding a dream sequence? Or just bad editing?

The plot involves something about a hottie pickpocket who's really a missing heiress, and Sammo Hung in a stupid bowler hat playing a would-be private dick. And normally, you can just ignore the plot in a Kung Fu flick. Unfortunately, in this one the plot is *so* bad, and *so* ridiculous that it overwhelms everything else.

There's a ridiculous van-car chase, *more* skateboarding, a Chinese pop song, and finally, 10 minutes before the end, one good fight scene.

Save yourself -- this one's just not worth watching.

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