Monday, February 11, 2008

Movie Report: Fool's Gold (2008)

So I wasn't expecting much.

Fool's Gold is a mid-winter filler, not an Oscar winner. But we weren't in the mood for something heavy so this seemed like the best choice.

It's cute. It's silly. It's a reasonably decent date movie. The scenery is gorgeous, and I liked the treasure story. But I like treasure stories. Seeing Donald Sutherland was a bit of a welcome surprise, but the subplot between him and his vapid daughter was pointless. As was the silly rapper with the squeaky voice. My buddy J-Man has more gangsta cred, yo!

And Matthew McConaughey? Not as cute as he thinks he is.

But I enjoy it. In a cute, campy, Saturday afternoon kind of way.

Am I disappointed I spent money on Fool's Gold? Well, let's just say I'm glad my sweetie and I saw a matinee.

Go for a light-hearted giggle, but don't expect more.

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