Thursday, May 03, 2007

Movie Report: Hot Fuzz

I'm so glad I got to the theater to see this movie :-)

Part parody, part homage, Hot Fuzz takes on every buddy cop movie of the past twenty years and gives them a distinctly British twist.

Fresh and witty, Hot Fuzz starts a bit slow but ramps up nicely to an over-the-top, screamingly funny action climax. You will never look at miniature villages the same way again. Simon Pegg proves he can really act, Nick Frost is touching and funny and Timothy Dalton looks like he's having a great time chomping on the scenery.

The plot has some depth, the main characters are charming (and so, so, like the buddy cop cliches) and even the most off-hand bits are well thought-out and well done. Paperwork montage!

Tons of shout-outs to dozens of genre movies (including Shawn of the Dead and The Warriors!) -- I think this may actually be better than Shawn of the Dead, and I love that flick.

Another addition to my purchase list.

What's the situation?
Two blokes and a fuck load of cutlery!

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