Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Movie Report: "Strange Days"

Ever watch a movie or read a book that predicts what the "future" will be like after that "future" has already passed?

So it is with "Strange Days." The 1995 movie is set in the days surrounding Dec. 31, 1999. And as far as I know, we don't have electrodes attached to our heads that can record our emotions and experiences for playback. So much's the pity.

Anachronism aside, this is a pretty good sci-fi/action flick, with strong performances by Ralph Fiennes as a washed-up ex-cop turned memory pusher and the underappreciated Angela Bassett (looking very buff, btw) as the bodyguard/driver/single mom who keeps saving his ass because she's not-so-secretly in love with him. Michael Wincott plays a bad guy, because that's what he's born to do. An actor with that voice will never play the harmless pet shop owner. And Juliette Lewis is the singer Fiennes is mooning over, even though she's nothin' but trouble and isn't even that nice to him.

Solid writing and superb timing -- you can see the hand of James Cameron in this. There's always something going on in the background of every shot -- it makes the movie feel more alive, more real. And the chaos of the rave at the end is perfect -- really pumps up the ending.

It's not the future, but it's not bad.

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