Monday, March 03, 2008

Movie Report: In Bruges (2008)

Nice to see Colin Farrell doing something besides drink heavily and be naughty.

Now he's in a movie ... drinking heavily and being naughty.

Farrell plays Ray, a hitman hiding out in Belgium after a job goes bad. He's a miserable bastard who's miserable in Bruges, a fairytale medieval town full of castles and canals. His partner, Ken, convinces him to give it a chance (and that they've got a job there), but what you get is Ray shooting off his mouth (and other things) and making everything from a chance encounter in front of a cathedral to a date go horribly, horribly wrong.

But it's not just comedy. The interjection of Ray and Ken's boss Harry makes the film take a serious, yet profanity filled turn. And Farrell gets to stretch his acting legs as a man who's not only a miserable prat, but miserable over the wrongs he's done.

Every time you think you've got a handle on this movie, it throws a curve ball. First it's a talky character piece, then a comedy, then a rumination on life and death, then a shoot-'em-up action flick. It never loses its charm. The end is a bit grim, but when it's tied into the whole of the picture, you understand how you got there, and why it had to end that way.

Well worth a watch.

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