Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Movie Report: Curse of the Cat People (1944)

Because I'm so fond of Cat People, once I heard there was a sequel I had to see it.

Well, it's sort of a sequel. Kinda. Maybe. Not really.

But that doesn't mean it's a bad movie. It's just not a sequel to my beloved Cat People.

What this movie is, though, is something extremely rare: A movie that lets you see through a child's eyes, rather than showing an adult view of what he or she *thinks* a child sees.

The All-American sap of the first movie has remarried and had a daughter. Now he's an All-American doof of a dad, berating her for not being popular and "normal," like the other kids and punishing her for preferring her solitary, fantasy life in the backyard.

So Amy is isolated and lonely, and when a beautiful lady befriends her she's overjoyed at having found a connection. Of course, the fact that said beautiful lady is the now-deceased Irena kind of freaks dear old dad out.

Magical and dreamy, this is more fairy tale than horror flick. Watch it on a cold night or rainy afternoon and revel in half-remembered feelings of childhood.

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