Thursday, October 04, 2007

Movie Report: Underworld: Evolution

I was bored, it was on cable ... yeah, you know the drill.

If you weren't a fan of the first movie, don't bother watching the sequel. Which is a lot like the first movie with the additions of partial nudity and Derek Jacobi.

There is a *ton* of background and exposition about the history of this "eternal conflict" and the Underworld universe shoved in between the action scenes, which are larger and involve many more bullets than the ones in the first movie. Unfortunately, there's no really cool "shoot through the floor" move like in the first movie. Oh well.

I could have done without some of the extensive flashbacks from the first movie, as well as with about 20 fewer shots of Kate Beckinsale looking hot and intense. Have a little trouble filling the time, guys?

So not bad, not great, and not for anyone but fans of the first movie.

But I'm still trying to figure out how Selene gets in and out of that catsuit so fast without three assistants and a tub of baby powder. It must be a vampire thing.

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