Monday, October 01, 2007

Movie Report: The Lost Boys

Pie I love this movie!

This is all tangled up in my high school memories. I was a Job's Daughter (aka vestial virgin) and we'd get together most weekends for sleepovers and funness.

And, because this was a supposedly "safe" activity, my parents actually let me go. I was kinda smothered ... uh, sheltered. ;)

Anyway, every weekend we got together, we watched The Lost Boys, Dirty Dancing and Witchboard. Every danged weekend. I musta seen this movie a hundred times before I graduated.

And I never, ever get tired of it. This movie *is* the 1980s for me.

Stylish and sleek, with a rocking soundtrack (I'm listening to it now). Add in performances by quintessential 80s movie hunks like Kiefer Sutherland and Jason Patric and *both* of the freaking Coreys and you have movie perfection.

I'm still way behind on my reviews, so I actually saw this a few months ago. John and I drove down to Santa Cruz to watch the movie on the boardwalk where it was filmed. With the waves crashing on the beach and more than a thousand screaming Lost Boys fans, it was a hell of a night. I think I even got a corn dog in the space where the Frog brothers comic shop was set.

I still want to be as cool as Star when I grow up. So once in a while I look at the Lost Boys poster above my desk at work and pretend that I am.

Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire.

1 comment:

Dr. Richard Scott Nokes said...

There must be something in the air -- for some reason, I started talking with my student assistant about this movie, and made her watch clips online for a half an hour.

That and Red Dawn. It's amazing I didn't grow up to be an undead Commie killing machine.