Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Manga Report: Ai Yori Aoshi 16

This seems like an odd direction to go when there's only two volumes left in the series.

Basically, I can sum it up thusly: The Sakuraba family severs ties with Miyabi, who has been a loyal retainer all her life (and raised as a daughter by Sakuraba-san's wife).

Kaoru and the gang have one day to pack up and move out of the mansion.

So we get rushed farewells and regrets, and everyone admits they're madly in love with Kaoru. Except Miyabi -- you gotta respect her for not falling for his sensitive guy act.

Kaoru doesn't even get to respond to all these admissions of love -- he's off to save Aoi, who's still being held hostage and being force to marry Not-Kaoru.

The girls' plotlines are defintely wrapped up, although I feel that they got the short end of the stick -- especially Mayu, who's loved Kaoru since she was a child. I still don't know if she has any idea about his relationship with Aoi, and she's going to be terribly hurt when/if she finds out.

I'm guessing the last volume will be the rush to save Aoi from a forced marriage. I don't know about the happily ever after yet.

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