Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Movie Report: Blade Runner (1982)

One of the many advantages of living in the Bay area is a wider selection of movies than in the Midwest.

So I thank geography for getting to see the new director's cut of Blade Runner on the big screen.

This is, for many people, the sci-fi movie. And while I'll grant it is one of the giants of the genre, I think it's up to personal taste whether it's THE BEST MOVIE EVER.

I love Blade Runner because it's a hard-boiled noir detective drama wrapped in a sci-fi shell. And the filmmakers acknowledge that -- the dark photography, the dialogue, the moody jazz and blues soundtrack -- even some of the costumes and hair could have been lifted straight out of a Sam Spade flick.

It's postmodern, it's disjointed, it's fantasy, fear and futurism -- and it's got one of the best villain speeches ever put on film.

You're not a fan of sci-fi films unless you've watched this movie (in its multiple versions) multiple times and had a late-night argument about it over coffee. Maybe pizza.

But I still kinda miss the narration.

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