Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Comic Report: She-Hulk: Planet Without a Hulk

C'mon everybody! We've got one last chance to wrap up every damn plotline in the series!!

Shulkie McBeal ready to forget her "accidental" marriage, but as soon as she returns from dealing with Eros she finds out she's been "recruited" by SHIELD.

Congratulations Jen -- you're now Tony Stark's bitch.

Teamed up with a wacky Hulkbuster team (that includes an android named Agent Cheesecake) Jen takes on Zzzax and the Abomination, the latter of who just seemed to want some hot wings and a showgirl.

Inexplicably, she then spends an issue as Wolverine's sidekick. Not only was it just plain silly to have her fighting Wendigo in her undies (in the snow, of course), Jen seems to be regressing as she hits on Wolverine. Wolvie rejects her, saying he's not interested in Juggernaut's sloppy seconds, leaving Jen protesting that she never did the nasty in the pasty.

Jen then starts up an ill-advised affair with Stark, showing that her taste in men is actually worse than her taste in fashion. But it all goes sour, of course, after she finds out what *really* happened to her cousin and goes apeshit.

While I always enjoy seeing Iron Man get thrown a beating (see Thor) this one seemed like a set-up. It was just another time to show Tony as a dick, as he zaps Jen with a super-weapon that takes her powers away.

Add into all this craziness Awesome Andy's origin and the resolution of his romance with Mallory, the return of Pug (and the resolution of his love for Jen), the fate of comic nerd Stu Cicero, the law firm defending The Leader with an argument that gamma radiation affects the psyche, the deal with Mr. Zix, the return of Jen's powers *and* a story that attempts to explain every comic continuity problem of the last 40 years, and dang -- that's a lot, ya'll!

A decent end to a good run, I would have preferred to see this spread out a bit and given a more careful treatment. But it was still fun.

With the complete reset of She-Hulk, I've added this to my single issue pull list. We'll see if it stays there.

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