Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Comic Report: Sin City: That Yellow Bastard

Had enough of sugary anime? How about a sadistic pedophile instead!

At least I can say I have a wide range of interests.

J and I picked up some more Sin City trades at a comic store we don't normally frequent. We were really there to get some comic drawer boxes, which are heavy as heck and 24 shades of awesome. We've transferred our entire collection into these boxes, and it's so, so nice to be able to pull a drawer open and actually access the books inside.

Now I just need to get approximately 8,000 bags and boards to replace the crappy ones on all the 1980s comics.

That Yellow Bastard was one of the stories in the Sin City movie, with Bruce Willis as Hartigan. So you probably know the plot.

Hartigan may be the only honest-to-gods hero in the Sin City universe. He's not a thug like Marv or a criminal like Dwight. His desire to help others and personal honor are what keep tripping him up. If he'd just walk away, he'd live happily ever after. But Hartigan can't do that.

So he willingly goes through hell for a little girl he barely knows. That's a hero.

With a bittersweet, poignant love story and heroism, savagery, revenge, evil, betrayal and one of the nastiest villains to come along in a long time (I think Senator Roark actually outdoes his son on the Scale o'Bad) -- this is possibly the best of the Sin City books.

If you're only going to read one, this is the one to pick.

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