Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Comic Report: She-Hulk: Time Trials

Hey Hawkeye -- aren't you dead?

OK, he was, at this point. He got better. Death isn't as big of a deal as its made out to be in comics

Jen gets mixed up in a trial involving jurors pulled from throughout time -- including a not-dead Clint Barton and one of my faves, Two-Gun Kid.

(I'm a sucker for Wild West stories and I read the "Marvel Westerns" mini last summer with glee.)

But Jen gets in trouble for trying to save Hawkeye from a death that's already happened, and ends up on trial herself -- and if she loses, she'll be retconned out of existence! Decent idea, but it's spoiled by a sappy ending I could have done without.

A better story is what happened to Jen during the year the law firm was out of business, and why is it that she's having trouble turning into She-Hulk? She's got some karmic debts to pay, and the bill is due.

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