Thursday, March 15, 2007

Comic Report: How Frontline Should Have Ended

I've been reading Marvel's Civil War, but for the most part I've been trying not to blog about it.

There's some good, and some bad. Later issues such as FF 543 made the pro-reg side not be quite as much "Reed and Tony take the crazy train to facist town," but for the most part, both sides made some pretty huge mistakes. If Tony and Reed hadn't been so secretive and full of themselves, things would have gone down differently.

Then again, if Cap had Black Panther teleport the fight almost anywhere in the world *besides* downtown Manhattan, maybe the collateral damage issue wouldn't have been such a big deal. It's Panther -- he's got a big brain. He could have figured out the coordinates for the middle of the Nevada desert.

And as far as the whole Cap thing, well, the jury's still out. This could be some amazing storytelling or it could suck mightily. But I'll miss him. I'll miss what he stands for.

BTW -- who in pie thought it was a good idea to release the spoilers on CNN before most of the fans had gotten to the comic stores? Ruined my week. Haters.

But one of my big problems with the Civil War titles was the end of Frontline, which I had been enjoying. But then Sally has to spend one fight in a subway station, and all of a sudden she's gone from crusading investigator to soccer mom, ready to give up any freedom to feel "safe." Embarassing. And that pointless, brainless MySpace rant?

It's those kind of portrayals of journalists that make me want to tell people I work at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Here's how this scene shoulda gone down. Woot for Photoshop!

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