Thursday, April 05, 2007

Comic Report: She-Hulk: Rules of Attraction

First off, WTF is on She-Hulk's feet on the cover of this trade? Are those high-heeled sneakers with Velcro?? Damn, her fashion choices get worse and worse!

I think the artists need to let an actual girl look at these comics before they hit the stores.

I like the law firm storylines, but somehow, this comic has turned into Shulkie McBeal.

One-time Avenger Starfox has been accused of using his powers to commit a sexual assault. This is a serious allegation -- why is it being treated like a joke?

Seriously, the misogyny in the setup alone was enough to turn me off -- it didn't have to be made worse!

And poor Awesome Andy ... let's just leave it at that.

The issue with Jen and John at the Jamesons was cute, and I saw the tie-in with Two-Gun Kid last summer in the Marvel Westerns mini and liked it. But this arc is going to have consequences, and they're not going to be good ones.

I'll rank this as the weakest of the She-Hulk trades.

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