Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Comic Report: Preacher: Gone to Texas

My stack of comics was feeling a little light a few weeks ago, so I picked up the first volume of Preacher, a series I had heard good things about but never read.

Jesse is a former preacher who was having a crisis of faith -- his church burning down with the entire town inside pretty much seals the end of his career.

He ends up teamed up with his ex-girlfriend and an Irish vampire to take on the politics of Heaven, angels and demons in love, John Wayne, an assassin who's not of this world and a whole bunch of other badness.

Bizarre, grisly, gruesome and funny, Preacher questions Christianity (Heaven is being run by a bunch of bored, alcoholic angels) even as it skewers its cliches. The violence is crazy over-the-top, and so is some of the humor -- did we really need a character named Arseface?

I'm eagerly awaiting the HBO version of this story, but I'm surprised that Quentin Tarentino didn't snap up the rights first.

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