Friday, January 27, 2012

So as I was saying ...

Haven't been here for awhile -- nice to see the old place is still around.

Don't know what made me think about blogging again. the Facebook beast takes up most of what passes for social networking these days, and my Twitter is work only.

But I am trying out some new things -- why not try out some old things?

I stopped blogging because there was a lot of things going on that I couldn't talk about, and it felt disingenuous.

The odd thing about having a semi-"public" identity (and saints above, please don't let the Trekkies find this -- parts of my life should and will be mine and mine alone) is that I expect everything I post on the Internet to be used against me in a forum fight someday. It makes me consider what I say very carefully. Trust me -- that's not always fun.

So what happened? Some good things happened, then some bad things, then we launched a game (and if you haven't played Star Trek Online, go do so RITE NAO), then some more bad things, mixed with a few good things, then I had ice cream ... you get the picture. Overall, I'd say there's been more good than bad, which is always nice.

As to what I'll talk about here? I don't know. Knitting and movies, probably, writing, games -- things that interest me.

You might not find them fascinating, but then again, I'm not writing this to please you, Mr. and/or Ms. So Doesn't Find My Life Interesting.

This is for me.

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