Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Shut Up and Take My Money!

I donated to the Kickstarter that has the world in a tizzy.

I like Double Fine games. I like old-school games. But most of all, I like seeing a company that's willing to take a chance on something that's not your standard multiplayer shooter in muddy tones of green and brown for the "core gamer."

There's more to gamers than guys who like guns and teabagging. There should be more than that in games, too.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Birthday Wish List, 2012

Haven't done a birthday list in a few years -- funny to see that the sweater pictured I linked in 2008 is the sweater that's on my needles right now.

Anyway, it's the big birthday day, and I get to wish for whatever I want.

1. More time near the ocean. I love it, feel recharged every time I get near it, but we don't go nearly as often as I would like. I understand that J doesn't get the same thrill from it as I do (I am very much a water baby) but dangit, I want some beach time!

I took the pic at the top last month at Santa Cruz, btw. First time we'd been there in *ages.*

2. More writing. Now, those of you who know me are thinking "Wut? Don't you write all day every day?" Yes, but that's my job. My own writing projects get neglected when I'm too exhausted or too stressed to think about anything but heating up a frozen pizza and watching Castle. That needs to change.

3. I need to cowgirl up and work on the apartment. We've been here for four-and-a-half years, and it still looks like we're moving in. There's a lot we could do to make it better.

4. Health and happiness for all my family and friends. May you only have good things.

5. High CCU. If you don't know what that means, that's OK.

6. If anyone wants to get me two of these chairs in black, I wouldn't complain. :)

7. Excellent yarn. I'm knitting a Central Park Hoodie in Dream in Color Classy now, and it's amazing how much the yarn contributes to my enjoyment of a project. I am an official yarn snob.

8. I want to cook more. The food tastes better, it's better for us and I *know* what went into it. I've been working on my cookie technique, made a cake from scratch, and even roasted a chicken with great success. This, as the Dread Lord Martha might say, is a good thing.

9. JAPAN! J and I have been talking about a trip to Japan for more than a decade. Is this the year that we go?

10. This year I will finally visit Alcatraz. Say what you want, hipsters -- I enjoy touristing around California. The Rock has been at the top of my list for a while, and the closest I've gotten was a boat ride around the island.

11. Cupcakes. I think I want a cupcake.

12. Hey Blogger! Be nice if your CMS didn't add a bunch of extra div tags every time I try to drop in a picture!

Don't make me do my own coding. No one wins in that scenario. :)

Anyway, best wishes to everyone over the next year. May you get everything on your list.

So as I was saying ...

Haven't been here for awhile -- nice to see the old place is still around.

Don't know what made me think about blogging again. the Facebook beast takes up most of what passes for social networking these days, and my Twitter is work only.

But I am trying out some new things -- why not try out some old things?

I stopped blogging because there was a lot of things going on that I couldn't talk about, and it felt disingenuous.

The odd thing about having a semi-"public" identity (and saints above, please don't let the Trekkies find this -- parts of my life should and will be mine and mine alone) is that I expect everything I post on the Internet to be used against me in a forum fight someday. It makes me consider what I say very carefully. Trust me -- that's not always fun.

So what happened? Some good things happened, then some bad things, then we launched a game (and if you haven't played Star Trek Online, go do so RITE NAO), then some more bad things, mixed with a few good things, then I had ice cream ... you get the picture. Overall, I'd say there's been more good than bad, which is always nice.

As to what I'll talk about here? I don't know. Knitting and movies, probably, writing, games -- things that interest me.

You might not find them fascinating, but then again, I'm not writing this to please you, Mr. and/or Ms. So Doesn't Find My Life Interesting.

This is for me.